I’m so sorry! I know, this is the first time in three years I missed out posting on Saturday. But frankly, I was just too exhausted, not to mention that up to now I have utterly failed to connect my new internet and printer, which is why I’m not only one week late but am posting on a Sunday instead of my usual Saturday! But let me start at the beginning of what’s been happening these past two weeks.

Beginning with … my last official day at the office: Friday. Which was anything but a working day. I had bought deli and rolls and invited some of my closer colleagues before dropping off my laptop, cell phone and key card. I have to admit, I was a bit choked up as I made my little speech about the past 10 yearswith some of my favourite people around (the rest were on vacation) and totally flabbergasted by the gifts I received and how much effort and thought they had put into it. Scheduled for an hour, the last ones left the conference room one and a half hours later and even though I did leave the company light-heartedly, saying goodbye, being hugged by every single one of them, was not easy. After all, it’s not as if I were just changing jobs, remaining in the vicinity. I will be 900 kilometres away and the chance of seeing most of them ever again is very slim. I know, I will keep in contact with some of them, talking on the phone and video calls, but still … I just won’t be there anymore. For now, I’m so happy to be rid of the company, I will realize all that later. When I’m back home.

Weekend: On the one hand, I was quite in a good mood, on the other hand I was starting to realize that Monday would be the last time I would see HIM for probably a very long time … how will I ever cope?

Apart from me being sad because of that, I took care of the last preparations the weekend before the move. Dismantling my home office desk, packing up the rest of my office stuff, dishes and whatever else I could live without for the last remaining days, loading the trunk with the first bags and cat stuff, removing the cat net, disconnecting my washing machine, lugging down at least a few banana boxes and preparing the kitchen for my cat to stay in on the big moving day. And in between? Passing the time with crossword puzzles and reading, as usual.

Monday: Some more last preparations and waiting for HIM. Which was bittersweet and of course I couldn’t help crying. I will miss him so very much. His little go-away gift? A calendar type booklet with “A little hug for every day” – to feel better when feeling sad.

Tuesday: The big moving day. I was up early, of course, packed up the rest of my stuff and got snacks for breakfast and lunch. The moving company arrived on time and they started with my many boxes, before it was time for my furniture – some of which they wrapped up, the large items, since the smaller pieces I had already done myself. As predicted, one container was not enough and they had to get the second one for the rest.

Shortly past 2 p.m. they were done and after saying goodbye to my apartment and my landlady, who I will miss very much as well, I packed up my cat and we were on our way as well. Does it surprise you when I tell you that the drive was hell? I had to stop twice because Diego had crapped into his large boxand was loudly complaining and meowing for long periods of time. Poor little guy. But it couldn’t be helped. We had to get through it and get home as quickly as possible. Thankfully at least traffic jams were very scarce, but do to endless endless endless construction sites and a max speed of 80 km/h it seemed at times we would never get home. 9.5 hours later we were home and I was exhausted, just like Diego, who had to deal with new surroundings. I prepared everything for him in our guest room and he hid out the night beneath the guest bed.

Wednesday: up early, taking care of registering my new apartment, getting a parking permit and meeting my friend for a long chat and another friend for lunch, before I could pick up the key to my apartment. Welcome home!

Thursday: and again, they were more than on time! They arrived at 7:30 a.m., this time with 4 more helpers, and by noon they were done and my work started. Oh boy, I could barely move due to all my boxes and I was starting to panic. Because … Monday the Ikea delivery would be here and no space at all for it, not to mention any space for the assembly team to put everything together. Luckily, a friend had time to help on Friday to put together my Pax wardrobes and attach the Billys so that I could continue unpacking and get rid of as many boxes as possible.

And that’s how I spent the weekend and this is the reason why I utterly failed to finish my post. Being on my feet all day, I could barely move in the evenings, everything hurt and the only thing I was able to do was solving the one or other crossword puzzle and trying to sleep, hoping the pain will be better in the morning to go on.


  1. Sorry to hear that you and your cat are both stressed during the trip, but it is for a good cause and you have both survived unscathed. And what a homecoming!!! You will love it and I am sure Diego will love it too.

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  2. Moving home like this IS exhausting! We know, having done it several times in our 50+ years of marriage! We still have some banana boxes in the roof space but you have sooo… many! Moggy will settle eventually, as you will, and a new adventure begins! 💐🙋‍♂️

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